
How to become a member of the SSE, Sri Lanka

Now you have two options

Download the application or obtain it from the Secretarial (Society of Structural Engineers, Room No. 222, 2nd Floor, IESL, Vidya Mawatha, 120/15, Wijerama Mawatha, Colombo 07.


  1. Eligibility (Extracts from By-Laws Revised on 5 December 2023) 

Every candidate for admission or transfer to the class member shall satisfy that he is

A) Sri Lankan resident who is not less than 25 years of age.

B) A person holding a four-year degree in Civil/ Structural Engineering from a University recognised by the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka


C) any other qualification recognised by the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka as equivalent to the four-year Civil/ Structural Engineering degree and holding the Corporate Membership of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka,


D) being an Associate member of the Society of Structural Engineers, Sri Lanka for a minimum period of one year


E) practicing the profession of Structural Engineering for a minimum period of four years under a Corporate member of the Society of Structural Engineers, Sri Lanka, or in a recognized design office under a Corporate Member of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka, accepted by the Executive Committee of the Society on full-time basis after obtaining the degree or qualifications equivalent to the degree else (or) holding an academic post (permanent) in Structural Engineering attached to an Engineering Faculty recognized by the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka.

unless otherwise

F) he possesses six years of experience after graduation as a practicing structural engineer or academic active in the field of structural engineering on a full-time basis fulfilling the minimum requirements of Corporate Membership of the Institution of Sri Lanka.

2. Professional Review Interview

An Interview by a panel will be conducted to assess the candidate’s suitability for admission as a Member of the Society. The interview will be based on the work experience report submitted by the Candidate and the panel will assess degree of professional involvement and his personal contribution in the field of Structural Engineering.

3. Proposer and Seconder

Proposer and Seconder should be a Corporate Member of the Society.

Proposer and Seconder should satisfy themselves as to the suitability of the candidate to the grade of the membership applied for and that the form is correctly filled and legibly written, and is submitted together with all original certificates for inspection. Copies of all certificates should be authenticated by Proposer and Seconder

4. Certification of Employment Details 

Employment details shall be certified by the Supervising Engineer attached to the corresponding organization and affix his/her stamp

5. Application Evaluation FEE 

Applicant should pay Rs.2000.00 with the application. Perfected application could be emailed or forwarded to Honorary Secretary, addressed to the Secretariat (Society of Structural Engineers, Room No 222, 2nd Floor, IESL Building, Vidya Mawatha, 120/15 Wijerama Mawatha, Colombo 7.)

6. The Registration/Transfer/ Annual subscriptions will be fixed by the executive committee from time to time. The details could be obtained from the secretariat.

7. Please make appropriate payments relating to the application to the SSESL Secretariat direct or to the bank of account of “Society of Structural Engineers Sri Lanka” account no 0070 6000 0322 of Sampath bank and submit the deposit slip to the SSESL Secretariat.

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