Student Member

How to become a student member of the SSE, Sri Lanka 

Now you have two options

  1. Download the application or obtain it from the Secretarial (Society of Structural Engineers, Room No. 222, 2nd Floor, IESL, Vidya Mawatha, 120/15, Wijerama Mawatha, Colombo 07.
  2. Apply online through the SSESL App.


  1. Eligibility (Extracts from By – Laws)
    • A student following a four-year Degree Course in Civil/ Structural Engineering at a University recognised by the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka or a person who has obtained partial qualifications in Civil/ Structural Engineering at the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka examinations or equivalent examinations recognised by the institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka. The student registration at the Institution in which he is studying has to be maintained annually and he/ she should have the current studentship of the said Institute.

  2. Please note that the Student Membership is valid for the current year only.
  3. For the renewal of Student Membership, an application to be forwarded to the Honorary Secretary in the appropriate from, which could be obtained from SSESL Secretariat and Student Members who are applying for renewal of Membership will be exempted from Registration fee.
  4. The Registration Fee and Annual Subscriptions will be fixed by the Executive Committee from time to time. The details could be obtained from the Secretariat.
Download Application by Clicking below


Apply online through the SSESL app

Download our Mobile App to apply online

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